Oh! Hi!

‘member me? I’m that velvety buck thingie from a few posts ago. Just thought I’d show you my proud points … my bud’s got a few more, but he’s all camera shy and all. Told him he could use the publicity, but he says he prefers the quiet - one of those anonymous types you know.

Oh! That biped that throws us a bit of corn now and again? He’s still around - slacker! Only see him after dark anymore. Guess he’s got more important stuff happenin’ elsewhere than doing his duty for us. Good thing we’ve got a good crop of acorns this year. The biped still throws yummy bread once in a while, but I’m tired of running for the bread too - you know those foxies are fast and my pointy things don’t scare ‘em at all!

I do have to complain about that pig! What a hog! Always eating all the corn if he gets there first, hummmph! Think he’d have more manners. Have to study that - ‘course, he IS bigger’n me and has got some pointy thingies on his snout too. Guess acorns are ok for now.

Now, that black and white and rust guy in the fence? I wasn’t real sure about him at all. Heard the biped call him a “buffle-something-or-other”. Turns out he’s alright. Doesn’t bark like the rest of the neighborhood’s something-or-others. He just sits there and watches us eat. Sometimes he bows down like he want to play or something - I really don’t understand. He is cute for a something-or-other.

I did hear the biped say he was gonna come visiting … yeah, yeah, yada, yada … I’ve heard it before too …… OH! DOE!


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