DH and I (well, mostly DH) have dealt with our fair share of business disappointments and the ensuing legal woes these past couple years. Finding joy in my family and friends has helped me stay positive (at least for the most part) through all of this. In fact it is the reason I started this blog.

I never expected to find humor in the legal woes themselves. But if anyone can surprise me, it is DH.

One evening DH was on his cell phone when he walked in the front door from work. With a slightly louder and more high pitched tone than is normal, I immediately knew the nature of the call was not social.

"My opinion!?" he harshly asked the person on the other end of the phone.

"My opinion," he continued, in a slightly softer more satisfactory tone, "is whatever my attorney says it is."

Boogers Bug-her

While driving in the car, D3, buckled in her lounge recliner/car seat, suddenly shouted, "Mom!"

It is a little odd to me that someone so young calls me by that name. Even D2 and D1 still call my "Momma" and "Mommy". I am fairly certain that "Mom" is something your children call you when they become arrogant teenagers. Not when they turn two and start to talk.

Since I was driving and focused intently on the snowy winter roads, I ignored the salutation.

"Mom!" she shouted again - very distinctly. I continued to drive.

"Mom! she burst with even more gusto.

"What, Sweetie?" I finally replied.

"Here! Hold this for me," she demanded.

Musing to myself at her unusually mature speech, I briefly glanced over my shoulder to see what she needed to me hold. However, I declined taking the little "gem" she had pulled from inside her nose that was perched at the tip of her finger.

Josie Maran Bikini Photo Gallery:Best of Bikini Bodies 2009

Josie Maran Bikini Pictures Josie Maran Bikini Pictures Josie Maran Bikini PicturesJosie Maran Bikini PicturesJosie Maran PicturesJosie Maran Pictures

Hollywood Tuna Top Ten

Keeley Hazell PicturesKeeley Hazell Pictures

Keeley Hazell Pictures Keeley Hazell Pictures Keeley Hazell Pictures

Keeley Hazell Pictures Keeley Hazell Pictures

Frosty the Cupcake

Click here to see a video, showing you just how easy thes adorable cupcakes are. My kids and I are going to give them a try!

The gift for the person who has everything... Cupcakes

Teacake Cupcakes- $45 for 9- shipped next day air
Saks also sells cupcakes- who knew? $60 for 35 mini's.

She Takes the Cake

This morning at breakfast, D2, our nine-year old, announced,

"I haven't had a birthday in years. But on my next birthday, I'm gonna be a double digit woman."


(photo courtesy of spaceweather.com)

I watched the owner of the company turn and leave my office, head bent in despair (though he’d never admit to it) and shuffled down the hallway with a slight limp. I looked at my desk of organized chaos and stared at my latest scribbling. The market was down another 400 points and that was all he came to say. Frankly, I’m just numb to the caprices of the market and knew that I would hear more of the gory details when “B” got home, given her job with an investment firm. Earlier the owner had stepped in and said that our November sales were better than last year. The irony of these 2 announcements was not lost, but my sense of humor has taken a sabbatical. My many-faceted reverie was shattered by my phone buzzing a maniacal tattoo on the desk. It was “B”.

“Hey you!”

“Hey yourself!”

“Market sucks, huh?”

“Yeah, we’re in distraction mode here.”


“Yeah, we’ve got the space station site up and we’re supposed to get a flyover this evening…ummm…6:20.”

Two techs appeared at the door and I held up a finger for them to hang on.

“Got the info up? What’s the AZ?”

“Ummmm…10 degrees SW.”

“Sweet! Best view on the property.”

“We haven’t seen it yet have we?”

“Nope! Tried, but nope.”

“Gotta go. Mopey clients.”

“Meet you at 6:15 in the south forty with Pinot and glasses.”

“HA! Later. Find the binoculars.”

I hung up thinking that maybe this day was salvageable after all.

We popped the cork at 6:05 to the last of the sunset and toasted the lucky bastards who were on board the ISS (International Space Station), fully prepared to wave them on their journey. There were a couple of deer browsing in the pasture and we were joined by a few of our fox: Simon, Rowdy and L’il Bit were on the pasture side and Samantha was sitting on a rock near the well garden – perhaps they thought food was involved. All three cats were taking turns menacing each other, but generally hanging close and weaving their blankets of felinius obscura in between our legs.

I looked at the time on the cell phone and it was 6:16. It was time and we trained our eyes toward 10 degrees above the SW horizon. There it was, an almost imperceptible tiny dot, picking up speed and brightness as it rose into the twilight. We were both awestruck. I was unprepared for the speed, the brightness and the punctuality. The sheer magnitude of the effort and engineering to put this celestial body into orbit struck us both at the same time. We waved and wished them safe passage.

We both remember watching ECHO 1A and its successor, ECHO 2 cross the night sky of our youth. Both were essentially big metallic balloons, 30 and 40 meters respectively. The first was placed into orbit on August 12, 1960 and we spent many a night on blankets on the front lawn watching its outworld traverse across the night sky. NASA and the space program then was the stuff of dreams and stories and the summer lawn watches were always impromptu neighborhood gatherings. Living under the ever present fear of the “A” Bomb it was a wonderful to view such unfathomable technological advancement as existed in the space program in a different, far more benign light.

Walking back up the drive I was pleased to feel something “awesome and magnificent” in my sphere, pleased it graced our skies and pleased that we saw it.

Choosing the Wrong Stinks

While I heard myself say, "Yep. I'm still planning on it - sounds fun," I immediately knew it was wrong. But instead of heading home after school, I left with my friend in the opposite direction. As I exited the school yard, I passed my mom's friend in her burnt orange station wagon. She was parked as usual, waiting to pick up her two daughters from school. I saw her look at me inquisitively as I turned right instead of left outside the chain link fence. But I pretended not to notice.

By the time we got uptown, I could see the brick exterior of our destination on the far end of town square. It was next to the only hardware store in the area. I had been to the hardware store with its bell donning, single door entrance many times. Often, I had gone with my grandpa to gather supplies for a home improvement project. He always completed something special each summer he visited. Thanks to him we had a great swing that hung from the tallest pine tree in our back yard and monkey bars by the garden.

One time I even went to the hardware store by myself. I remembered that day clearly, even though it was several years prior. Probably because it was the first errand I had ever run for my mom all alone. I felt so grown up getting on my bike with the money carefully tucked deep in my pocket so that it would not accidentally fall out. A direct result of mom's phone call, the small package of miscellaneous supplies was gathered in a brown bag with dull red stripes sitting by the register when I arrived. To my amazement the store clerk immediately recognized me, even though I was certain I had never seen him before. Or maybe Mom had explained, probably in more detail than the clerk cared to hear, that an eight-year old girl in a red and white polyester top with red shorts and two long, brunette pig tails would be arriving soon on her bike. There couldn't have been many that fit that description. So maybe it shouldn't have been so amazing after all.

However, this trip was not an errand for my mother. And I was not headed to the hardware store. For the first time in several minutes, guilt suddenly crept back into my thoughts as I recalled what I was about to do. I started to feel strangely nervous. But that was ridiculous. Everyone did this. Everyone but me anyway. Until now.

Each step I took toward the building made it more difficult to turn and walk the other way. Like walking through thickly wet cement, with each stride my decision was more distinct and more impossible to change.

My friend seemed oblivious to my pounding chest and clammy hands. Of course she had been here before. Many times, in fact. She walked along like it was no big deal. And that is what I kept telling myself it was: no big deal. But it was a big deal. And I knew it. At least for me. But for some reason I kept walking toward the wrong, instead of turning back.

It would be so simple too -to do the right thing. I could even make up a white lie. Except lying was wrong too. But some things were more right or wrong than others. I imagined that all I would have to do is stop short and gasp,

"Oh no! I forgot. My mom needs me to babysit after school. Sorry, I gotta go, maybe another time."

And then I could quickly turn around, and run down the wide, mostly empty, small town sidewalk. When I got to the corner lot with only a shell of a building, covered in white peeling paint and framed with a couple lone gas pumps covered in rust and missing their hoses, I could head west. From there I would be home in only a few minutes. I could walk inside the familiar craftsman that probably smelled faintly of dinner already in some stage of preparation. And since I would only be less than five minutes later than usual, Mom would probably not even notice.

But I couldn't bring my mouth to utter the words.

Suddenly, we were at the front door of the circa 1950's brick building. It was too late. However, uncertain I was about the decision before, it was made now. I saw a couple bikes on the outside of the entrance, dropped there no doubt by a couple kids from my school. This meant my friend and I would not be the only ones. It should have made me feel better, but it didn't.

As I followed my friend's soft blond curls inside the smoky room, it took a minute for my pupils to adjust from the bright afternoon sunlight to the dingy darkness of the establishment. The neon signs on the wall cast a soft glow in the haze. I suddenly thought about Mrs. Greedy's 3rd-grade class. She asked us each to promise not to smoke. And we all raised our hands together to make the commitment. I wondered how much breathing that air felt like smoking. If it were similar, it made no sense to me why anyone would ever smoke anything.

A couple rough looking guys with bellies as round as pumpkins sat on barstools in front of us. They slowly turned to look at the newcomers. And then, just as dully, wheeled back around on their swivel seats.

I was genuinely surprised not one of them tried to tell us to leave. I knew we didn't belong here and I was only twelve. Didn't grown-ups know what's right and wrong? And wasn't it their job to keep kids from doing wrong things? But since there was no one to stop us, we proceeded through the room over to the far corner.

And there it stood. It was flashy and beautiful. I felt my stomach do a little leap for joy. My goal. The one thing that had caused me to break so many of my parent's rules.

In only a few minutes I had used numerous quarters, saved from small jobs like babysitting the karate teacher's kids. After awhile, I reached deep into the pocket of my Lee jeans, and only felt string and fuzz. I bent down and then handed my friend a damp, rolled up dollar from inside my sock. I had brought it for an emergency like this. She was plenty brave enough to ask the bartender for change. I was not.

The arcade game that started out so new and unfamiliar soon became more rhythmic and easy to maneuver. However, it wasn't long before I was completely out of money. I was hugely disappointed. The time had gone by far too quickly. I impatiently watched my friend finish her last game on a neighboring machine. Then we grabbed our school books, and walked out the door and headed home.

The sun was low in the late afternoon sky. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew it was late enough that I needed to work on a very good excuse for Mom and, by this time, probably Dad too. I considered all the trouble I'd be in and wondered if a few minutes on the brand new Ms Pac Man game would be worth the punishment I'd be given when I got home.

In the fresh, early autumn air, I thought I caught the smell of something terribly rank. Cautiously, I sniffed at my shoulder. Hmmmm...this excuse was going to have to be really good.

Victim of Proposition 8

We've heard a lot about the "victims" of the passing of Proposition 8. This story is a little different than the others.

Regardless of where you stand on marriage for gay couples, I hope you will read the following segments of a statement from Scott Eckern who, after receiving public criticism and threats for donating $1000 in support of Proposition 8, recently announced his resignation as Artistic Director for California Musical Theatre.

Portions of the released statement are as follows:

I understand that my choice of supporting Proposition 8 has been the cause of many hurt feelings, maybe even betrayal. It was not my intent. I honestly had no idea that this would be the reaction.

I chose to act upon my belief that the traditional definition of marriage should be preserved. I support each individual to have rights and access and I understood that in California domestic partnerships come with the same rights that come with marriage.

My sister is a lesbian and in a committed domestic partnership relationship. I am loving and supportive of her and her family, and she is loving and supportive of me and my family. I definitely do not support any message or treatment of others that is hateful or instills fear.

... I have now had many conversations with friends and colleagues,and I am deeply saddened that my personal beliefs and convictions have offended others.

...I chose to express my views through the democratic process, and I am deeply sorry for any harm or injury I have caused in doing so... I hope that through future conversations bridges may be built and healing can occur that will allow us to arrive at a better place of understanding for all involved.

I am leaving California Musical Theatre after prayerful consideration to protect the organization and to help the healing in the local theatre-going and creative community...It has been an honor to serve alongside those I love and respect in this noble profession. I am disappointed that my personal convictions have cost me the opportunity to do what I love the most which is to continue enriching the Sacramento arts and theatre community.


Scott Eckern

SOURCE: Randle Communications Randle Communications Clay Merrill, 916-448-5802
Copyright Business Wire 2008





Election Day Holocaust - The Fate That Awaits You

Shalom Seekers:

While America is at a crossroads that will not only determine the nation's future -- but also the more distant future of every American -- few people are even prepared to deal with the consequences of their blind actions. We often hear the question raised: Why is there evil? And yet, whenever a true mystic attempts to present an answer drawn upon his enlightened vision and knowledge, those who ask the question, very quickly turn upon him with a vengeance. Like most truths of paramount importance and reality, they only want to hear what supports their predetermined thinking and lifestyle. When the teachings of one of the greatest Jewish mystics was set before the people with respect to the underlying cause of the holocaust, the vast majority of Jews very quickly turned upon the profound truths that were presented (see The Chickens Come Home To Roost). Because the Church Father Origen presented the Truth in answer to an attack upon the early Church, he was later condemned by a Roman Emperor and his circus prostitute wife (see The Missing Link). And because the people of America have ignored the wisdom of the mystics who have been able to see beyond the great divide between this world and the next -- even though modern science has proven the validity of what they have told us (see Science Proves Religion) -- what the American people have demonstrated, is that they would rather suffer and perish, than to even consider what is outside their paradigm box of predefined doctrines of belief. And this is especially true of Christians who would rather cling to the manmade doctrines of Pagan Rome and a series of Emperors who ruled over the dogma of the Church, than to listen to the Wisdom of God. To conclusively demonstrate this point, I sent the below letter to Janet Porter of Faith2Action, whose article entitled You Cannot Be A Christian And Vote For Obama was carried by WorldNetDaily.com. The following is a copy of this letter:

Shalom Janet Porter:

With respect to your article entitled You Cannot Be A Christian And Vote For Obama , while your biblical arguments are good, you are missing the most important biblical teachings that Christians ignore because they don't understand them. In the article entitled TheLie ( http://TheLie.org ), it is demonstrated using the Bible that complacent Christians will receive the greater judgment and damnation, than the sinners who they traditionally condemn. And they ignore these little used teachings, because of the Roman influence on their doctrines of belief. And the fact that counterfeit Christian clergy such as Jim Wallis has sold the soul of a multitude of believers to the Devil, is presented in the Brother of Yeshua Blog article entitled: Jim Wallis - Has This Man Sold Your Soul To The Devil? And perhaps the sin of all the Churches is seen in the fact that because they ignore the very biblical teachings presented in TheLie -- mostly because they would loose parishioners and money in the collection plate if they even began to tell the truth of what the Bible actually states -- America has spiritually degenerated to this present point of electing a minister of the AntiChrist to be president, only because of the spiritual complacency promoted by the Churches in the name of collection plate greed.

The greatest threat to our nation and the concept of God-Given Rights, is seen in the fact that the Gospel message has been co-opted by Marxist clergy who put themselves forth as representing the teachings of Jesus and TheWay. In a recent e-mail from Sojourners founder Jim Wallis (see Jim Wallis - Has This Man Sold Your Soul To The Devil?), the Rev. Wallis begins his news letter with the words: "For too long abortion was seen as the only “life” issue in our culture and politics, but there is a growing conviction among Christians..." -- wherein, the Rev. Wallis then goes on to name many of the problems that plague our culture as being of an equal, or even a higher priority than the issue of abortion. As a Marxist in clergy garb, Jim Wallis of course supports Barack Obama as the cure for our cultural problems. But is he?

In the same way that our own justice system differentiates in what it calls capital crimes, felonies and misdemeanors, Barack Obama has become acceptable to a large segment of people who call themselves Christians, because our hedonist culture has successfully turned their concept of right and wrong upside down. Once rightly understood, it can be said that the Ten Commandments lists the Capital Crimes -- and the lesser violations of the Laws can be traced to a complacency to observe the core ten. As an example: If a person truly loves the Lord their God, then they will strive to Keep His Commandments. And of course, an integral part of the observance of the Ten Commandments, is to love one's brother and sisters as one's self. But it is important to recognize that Barack Obama and apostate clergy such as Jim Wallis and the pseudo-Christians who support the illegitimate Marxist interpretation of the Gospel, all begin on the premise that it is OK to ignore the core Ten Commandments, while attempting to focus on the effects that plague mankind when he ignores the primary Capital Crimes against God and the Commandments. We can't ignore the Commandment Do Not Kill with respect to the issue of literally tearing apart the limbs of a child to remove it from it's mother's womb -- a Capital Crime from the perspective of the Commandments -- while attempting to focus on other cultural issues that are prevalent because of our apostasy to the Laws of God! One of the earliest writings which was used extensively by the original disciples and followers of Yeshua/Jesus, is known as The Didache (a.k.a. The Teaching of the Apostles) -- which at Section 2:2 states: "...thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born..." -- and at 5:2 it states: "The Way of Death is filled with people who are...murderers of children and abortionists of God's creatures."

Murdering the unborn is a Capital Crime against God and the Ten Commandments. Yet, Barack Obama who Louis Farrakhan portrays as the expected messiah -- supported by disciples of Carl Marx impersonating Christian clergy -- support the position that its perfectly OK to ignore the violation of Capital Crimes against God, and be concerned with the effects that these crimes have wrought upon our culture. The Primary Commandments require man not to be adulterous, and yet the vast majority of unborn infants who are murdered, are a direct result of violating this Capital Offence against God. While the scriptures warn: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV) -- Barack Obama wants to usher in a socialist system that attempts to negate the Will of God in all things. Perhaps the greatest sin of all against God, is the forced indoctrination of children into an Atheist mindset and hedonist lifestyle because of the lack of School Choice (see Children Of Caesar). Doing unto others, as you would want them to do unto you, begins with the absolute need to rear children up in a Godly and Spiritual mindset and lifestyle. In a recent debate, Barack Obama wanted to do away with the limited voucher system that was instituted in Washington DC because of the depraved condition of the public schools, while John McCain expressed the need for its expansion. Barack Obama is against school vouchers and School Choice, because it represents Ground Zero in the satanic war against keeping the Commandments of God. So long as young impressionable minds are forced into a system of indoctrination that gives new meaning to the abomination of Sodom and Gomorrah and the apostasy to the Ten Commandments, the way of darkness will prevail in this world.

When Paul conveyed the important command: "Therefore 'Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Cor 6:17-18 NKJ) -- those who subject their children to what is unclean and an abomination to God as taught in our system of public education, will be held accountable for the sin that their children were indoctrinated into by virtue of the complacency of their parents. And if Barack Obama and the likes of Jim Wallis truly desire to resolve the ills of our culture that plague mankind, then they can begin by freeing the children from the schools of abomination that portray Capital Crimes against the the Commandments and Will of God, as being secondary to the effects of man's reaping what he has himself sown.

Because Christians have been lied to by the fourth century Church of Rome -- and continue to cling to these manmade doctrines which were further supported by Martin Luther (see http://TheLie.org#luther ) -- they dwell under the delusion that they are not accountable to the Laws of God -- resulting in the absolute depravity of the un-liberal left whose agenda is to deny Americans their fundamental God-Given Rights, and enslave them under the diabolical control of a social secular Marxist regime. The only way to stop the slide into this godless abomination that Judge Bork portrayed as a Slouching Towards Gomorrah, is to present the reality of these suppressed biblical teachings explored in TheLie to the American people -- and especially the Christians -- in order to restore the mindset that the teachings of Jesus requires believers to actually live by the Commandments and the concepts of TheWay. The longer that the Christian world attempts to ignore these important spiritual teachings and concepts that I have been writing about, the greater suffering will be brought upon the people. The question is: How much suffering will they be required to endure, before the Whole Truth of the Gospel is Restored?

GodSpeed in TheWay,

Allan Cronshaw

PO Box 780

Graham, NC 27254

One of the important realties that has changed between the landscape of the last two elections and the present, is seen in the fact that left leaning pseudo-clergy have risen up in an effort to attack core issues of moral standards and spirituality, bringing about a shift even in the traditional Evangelical voters -- convincing a great number of people not only that, what would be constituted spiritual felonies and a total abandonment of the Commandments, is on an equal plane with social secular government programs that are often used to promote immoral behavior and a lifestyle in rejection of spiritual standards. And when the Republican party begins to recognize that the playing field has radically changed -- and the Church can no longer be counted upon to support spiritual morality and standards -- then the politicians in the Republican party itself will no longer support those standards. And the result will be the death of the Church, as has been the case throughout most of Europe where Islam is very quickly becoming the predominant religion.

Just as important is the fate of those Christians who permitted this to happen, because they continued to support the manmade doctrines of Pagan Rome. If you understand what is portrayed as The Laws That Perfect Mankind, the reality of the statement: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV), also has its foundation in the biblical concept "An eye for and eye, and a tooth for a tooth". And what this equates to is the fact that while those who are pro-abortion find it acceptable that a growing human unborn infant can be torn limb by limb from it's mother's womb, this does not necessarily mean that the Laws will bring about the exact same conditions. In view of the fact that those who are pro-abortion are inflicting this abominable act on a helpless fetus, the Laws would then return an equivalent horrific act of violence in future lives when those who are pro-abortion, are the victims of the genocide that they are turning a blind eye to. When you raise the question as to why the Laws brought about the holocaust where seemingly innocent Jews were cast into the ovens of Hitler -- often after a great deal of torture and abuse -- then let me affirm to you that the teachings of the Jewish mystic Isaac Luria (see The Chickens Come Home To Roost) are not only true, but are relevant to both the American people and the outcome of the election. Speaking of Christians who backslide and knowingly sin after coming to the Church, Paul warns: "...if they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (see The Legacy Of Martin Luther). And what this means with respect to the Laws that return to each person what they have previously sown with their actions, is that in a future life after you have been raped and ravished, that your limbs will be torn asunder -- as the horrific death that you approved of in the culture of infanticide and abortion, is returned back to you. And the fact that you are representative of a large group of people, only confirms why we often see genocide being inflicted upon a large group of people -- i.e., the Sudan and other such killing fields. Further, the fact that the Church suppressed and concealed the facts from you in the present in order to continue with their business as usual money-changer agenda, ignorance is not bliss -- and the fact that I have openly written of these realities that the Church is concealing, will not in any manner save you from your fate. What is means is that the fate of the present Church leaders who continue to promote the way of Rome, over the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, will receive an even greater diabolical fate. And in closing, the only thing appropriate to a people who have the sentence of a cruel and horrific death awaiting them, is may God have mercy on your soul.

Brother Of Yeshua

The Truth About Boys

Inside the cover of D2's journal she has defined the essence of the boy/girl relationship that causes mankind endless joy and woe:

Girls are clean and pritty

Smell Butiful


Boys are stinke

Spoiled Dinner

With an uncanny ability to speak with skills that would not normally be expected of a 28-month old, D3 often elicits chuckles as we hear ourselves in someone who is only 30 inches tall.

The other night D3 and I sat at the kitchen bar eating dinner. As she crawled up, down and around the eating area, I cautioned her that she needed to remain seated and hold still. But she continued to fidget, oblivious to my advice.

Eventually her fork fell off her plate and tumbled to the floor. With an animated look of surprise, she crawled off the edge of the counter and back onto her bar stool. There she perched on all fours and peered down to the floor from the rattan seat.

I sat in silence watching her think. Soon she looked up at me, shook her head, and distinctly confessed,

"That's not good."

Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome

Our family does not have an impressive track record with pets. In fact, we have inadvertantly caused premature death to a quiet helpless lizard, an adorable fluffy Guniea Pig, and countless fish.

Personally, I am tired of the burden of so much death and carnage.  Unfortunately, our lack of ability to keep the few creatures we have cared for, or at least attempted to care for, alive, has not slowed my childrens' intent to continue to beg for more pets. 

Recently D1 has picked up the oral arguments with me on this subject.  Apparently she wanted creatures that belong in lakes and rivers to live in her bedroom more desperately than I originally thought.  In exasperation she finally stomped out of my bedroom.  A little while later, she slipped this under my bedroom door:

Why I Should Have a Fish
by (D1)
  1. It is a great responsibility lesson for me...and my future.
  2. My friend has given me great advise about what fish are easy to take care of and how to take care of them, and she will supply supplies.
  3. I would love the fish like my brothers and sisters and care for them always.
  4. I know where I can get cheap but good fish and I'm willing to keep up with the fish.
  5. I will do my best to find fish that are low maintenance but fun.

If I do not get fish side affects may include, thoughts of suicide, chronic depression, nausea, insomnia, post dramatic stress syndrome, and series of violent mood swings.  A serious but rare side affect may include schizophrenia resulting in multiple personalities and frequent conversations with imaginary objects, people, fish and places.  

If any of these side affects occur, do not operate machinery or perform manual labor of any kind.  If side affects do not lessen with in a few days consult your local Petco store for further advice.

Shay Laren Lingerie Moment

Shay Laren Pictures Shay Laren Pictures Shay Laren Pictures

Shay Laren Pictures Shay Laren Pictures Shay Laren Pictures

Shay Laren Pictures Shay Laren Pictures
