Watch out for jumping poop

Now that Charlie is potty trained, I thought I would be over the poop stories! Apparently not!

Sometimes he has issues with wiping his cute little butt. The other day he shouted "mummy, can you wipe my bottom'. Off I trot into the bathroom, he bent over and I noticed there was a brown substance on the top of his foot. "Charlie, is that poop on your foot?" "Huh" he said. I repeated myself, "Charlie is that poop" pointing to his foot. He opened his hand and I could see poop on his hand and he said matter of factly "Yeah".
"How did you get poop on your foot?"
"It jumped out of the toilet at me".

I know what you are thinking, how the heck did poop jump out of the toilet, well that is the mystery. How did it get back in the toilet, I am assuming by the poop on his hand he picked it up and put it back in. LOVELY! Future wives of Charlie this is a great story I will be giving his best man, Charlie and the jumping poop, it brings a whole new meaning to Charlie and the Chocolate factory!


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