I have no rhythm

Last night I did a Zumba class - (its sort of an aerobic/dance class to latin music)! Lets just say I thought that I had a lot more rhythm than I do. When you are staring at yourself in a full length mirror with your hand and feet flailing it is really not a pretty site.

You know that answering machine syndrome, when you first hear yourself on the answer machine and you think that doesn't sound like me, that's what it felt like. I thought I would be able to salsa and cha cha like any hot little latin dancer, well... lets just say I was a tepid, almost cool in a sort of an embarrassingly funny way. Still, at least I got a workout and I did enjoy it, even though I was pretty sad to watch. I could just imagine myself on YouTube as one of those really sad dancers whose timing is way off, that you watch and cringe at.

Lets hope I get better with practice.


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