The Flounderer (and I don't mean the fish)

What do you get when a husband is gone for a week-long business trip? A toilet clogged with the biggest bucket load of crap imaginable (from a little friend of my daughter's no less) that took me more than two days and lots of changes of clothes and washing of hands and loud yell---I mean mutterings, to unclog. A child who knows better than to play with fire who almost burns the house down while playing with a lighter. A slow-draining bathtub in the kids' bathroom that, when taken apart, is full of a soft-ball sized clog of hair, pony-tail holders, dirt and slime that takes several hours and lots of tools to get out. A gagging and crying, stressed-out wife and mother who is handling all of this by herself who can barely walk because of a ripped-off big toenail.

Despite all of this, all seems quiet on the family front. At least on the outside. But beyond the quiet, I am experiencing what seems to me to be life-changing events. I feel lost, floating in a sea of uncertainty. I keep praying. What should I do, Lord? I don't have answers. I thought maybe I did, but now I realize that I don't. In time I know that I will feel grounded again, but right now I am floundering.

I know you're wondering what in the world I am talking about and all I can say is that it has to do with our 15 year old son. Our 15 year old son who is turning 16 in November. Our 15 year old son who is only a little more than 2 years away from 18 and having to take on adult responsibility. Our 15 year old son. Yeah.

Lord help us. Lord help HIM.


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