Second Sunday of Lent

Whoops! Should have posted this yesterday!

Today's first reading was the story of Abraham and Isaac.

A couple of years ago I bought The Noise 'The Jesus Storybook Bible', which, if I had my way, every single child in the world would own.

When I read her today's story from this Bible, I cried buckets. Every time I have read it since, I have cried buckets.


It's a story I've heard a thousand times. It's never made me cry before. Am I going soft in my old age?


I cried because The Jesus Storybook Bible makes a connection that had never occurred to me.

It explains how Abraham and Isaac walked up the hill to the place where the sacrifice was to be made, Isaac carrying the wood for the fire on his back. It explains how Isaac did exactly as his father told him to do, without asking any questions,and without complaint.

And then, at the end of the story, it says this:

Many years later, another Son would climb another hill, carrying wood on His back.

Like Isaac, He would trust His Father, and do what His Father asked.

He wouldn't struggle or run away.

Who was He?

God's Son - His only Son.

The Son He loved.

The Lamb of God.

That's why I cried.


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