Black Wisdom and the messiah from Hell

Shalom Seekers of TheWay:
The few who understand the Laws that control the events of this world, recognize that we are not only being constantly tested, but that Creation is imbued with the Divine Requirement to maintain balance. And while over 90% of African-Americans voted for Barack Obama simply because he was half-black, the Laws always maintain the rational voice of balance that stands in opposition to those walking the broad-way of self-destruction. While I had never heard of him before, it impresses me that the Rev. James David Manning saw through the charade of rhetoric, and preached this sermon on June 7th, 2008 (see ).
With respect to the tests of life, I made my own predictions in the article entitled Election Day Holocaust - The Fate That Awaits You . And as I predicted, Obama has reversed the abortion restriction put into place by George Bush, and the American people are now peddling infanticide around the world in the name of choice. Is the fact that Hitler murdered the Jews, any different than the supporters of Obama who are now responsible for worldwide infanticide? But, as history repeats itself, in the recent series of legislation that was pushed through congress without even the time to read what was being written into law, there are a number of important restrictions that will totally undermine religion in the United States. First there is the restriction that a faith-based charity will no longer be able to discriminate in its hiring. What does this mean? If a Church is promoting a charity that is in service to the community, and an atheist or people who do not embrace the teachings of that Church apply for a position within the charity, the Church will no longer be permitted to pass these people over. But perhaps even more important is the fact that those people who make over $250,000 thousand dollars a year, will no longer be able to give their money to a Church or charity, and claim the usual tax exemption for that money that has financed religious charities since income tax was initiated.
In the article entitled Children of Caesar , as well as all the many articles on the necessity of School Choice , I demonstrate that one of the greatest Christian failings in the many tests of life, is the practice of handing your children over to the government to indoctrinate into their mindset and lifestyle. And because the Church has yet to understand that the spiritual essence of the Gospel is in the mindset and lifestyle that each parent is responsible for raising their children in, the Atheist left is totally undermining the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, by denying the people the Constitutional Right of School Choice. And that school choice is not a Civil Right of the American People, is largely the failing of the Church. In the same way that faith apart from actions is dead, so too is the Gospel teachings without the practice of being incorporated into the mindset, thinking and lifestyle of the flock of believers. And it is at this point that the Church is not being attacked by Barack Obama and the secular left. In the past, if a sincere believer recognized the grave damage that is being inflicted upon innocent minds in secularized government schools, they had the ability to use their money to support religious schools and charities. Yet, with the strike of a pen, even this choice is being undermined by Barack Obama.
Those who understand the workings of the Laws, will recognize that men such as the Rev. Manning was born to speak out in this time of tribulation -- and the fact that he preaches the most basic of faith-based messages, was predetermined so his wisdom would be accessible to the people of the faithful flock of believers. In the same way that the Rev. Manning openly admits that he could never induce the great number of people in the manner of the mass hypnosis of Barack Obama, it is also true that someone such as myself would never be able to reach out to the masses -- but rather, the few. Therefore, the message of men such as the Rev. Manning is of the utmost importance to be heard among the people of the simple-faith. Some interesting biblical declarations even in the level of the literal text of the scriptures is seen in the proclamation: "The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil" (Prov 16:4 KJV) -- thus, Creator-God brought all things into existence. Barack Obama, therefore, has been brought to power by the Laws of God to test the people. And while few men understand the workings of the Laws, this reality is also stated in this manner: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" (Isa 45:7 KJV). Or, the above can be stated in the words: "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" (Amos 3:6 KJV). In the same way that Hitler came to power to test the people, so too has Barack Obama.
To possess insight into the underlying forces that bring these events about in the lives of men and women, one must possess an enlightened understanding of the Laws. Thus, just following the above statement is the words: "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7 KJV). And this revelation is given to the Lord's servants at various levels, in order to reach out to the people being tested. Which means that while the preachers of the simple faith such as the Rev. Manning may not understand the esoteric forces of the Laws at work in the lives of men and women, that does not mean that their insight is invalid. It is stated that those who are unfaithful in their thinking and lifestyle, will dwell in a spiritually-initiated delusion -- i.e., "And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (2 Thes 2:11 NKJ). And in the same way that the Rev. Manning has attempted to warn the people of the relationship of Hitler and Obama -- and the common tactics that are being used to control the thinking of the people -- i.e., "Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee" (2 Chr 18:22 KJV) -- the spirit of deception is brought about by the forces of the Laws for a test of the people. The power of the Churches is being undermined, in order to promote the Atheism and spiritual abominations of the government public schools. The objective is to totally destroy the moral and spiritual foundation of the people -- and undermine the concept of UnAlienable God-Given Constitutional Rights of The People.
In the Revolutions of Time, history repeats itself -- and without doubt, these are again the Times That Try Men's Souls. Many of the observations of the Rev. James David Manning is true beyond even his understanding of how the past comes back to test mankind in this, the Far Country that is God's School House for His Lost Prodigal Sons and Daughters (see ). But know this for sure: That the above is only the beginning.

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus


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