Domestic Blitz

With Easter swiftly approaching, I felt again that primeval urge........ spring-clean.

A quick trawl around the internet will find you numerous sites advertising 'spring-cleaning checklists'. You can, if you so desire, print them off and carry them round the house, presumably in your apron pocket, ticking off items as you go.

Sadly, they're not much use to me, being full of instructions such as:

Dust coils at back of refrigerator


Clean filters above cooker hood

Anybody carrying out a quick casing of the joint here would realise I need a more basic list, such as:

Scrape baked-on yoghurt from plasma screen TV using a flat-bladed knife....


Discard and replace all rabbit-chewed items, including bedding, shoes and various soft toys....

or even

Actually ENTER teenage bedrooms with a view to cleaning, rather than standing at the door thinking 'Dear God, whatever did I do to deserve this.......'

Anyway, I've made a start. And as I sat surveying what I had accomplished lastnight, I had to admit, it didn't look half bad.

Now, I just need to find a way of keeping this lot locked out till Easter Sunday............

My legs look pretty good on this one, don't you think?


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