It's true that Asher has a little raspy voice right now from all his coughing and it sounds so cute. Also true that I will probably be in bed by 10:00 pm (that is midnight in PA).
It's true that Asher has a little raspy voice right now from all his coughing and it sounds so cute. Also true that I will probably be in bed by 10:00 pm (that is midnight in PA).
He kindly included one of my blogposts for his “10 of the best” daddy-blogger posts of 2009. Quel honneur!
Tim writes: “Dumdad is the monika of an ex-pat Englishman in Paris. His post Ironing Bored will strike a chord with anyone who hates the domestic art of trouser-pressing.”
Apparently, Tim as a daddy-blogger has been on the receiving end of certain PR invitations. He has been asked “to try stuff, watch stuff, drive stuff, go to stuff and even get-stuffed”. This comes in the wake of mummy-blogging that has started to become something of a phenomenon.
As for trying out stuff, if any PR department of Armani or Rolex or Mercedes or whoever is reading this don’t be backward in coming forward with freebies for The Other Side of Paris.
Anyway, merci beaucoup Tim for bestowing this grand honour on my blog. I hope you and all the daddy-bloggers in the world have a wonderful 2010. Oh, and all you mummy-bloggers as well, of course.
She can walk now, did I tell you that?
She's so advanced.
Really, she's amazing.
Much better than your kids.
I did this meme back in 2007, failed to complete it in 2008 (something about having a baby days in to the New Year....) and I'm re-attempting it this year.
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Parented two children. Obviously this was the BIG NEWS of the year. Lucy's arrival. Yes I'd looked after an infant before, but an infant and a 4 year old? It seems ridiculous now that I routinely look after both of them for hours, even days at a time, but that first couple of hours flying solo when LK went to a concert? Etched in my brain for ever. They both slept more or less the entire time, but I clutched that baby to my chest knowing that if she woke up and her sister woke, then the entire Universe would explode with impossibility because it just could not be done.
What else? I had something (a very little something) published in Real Simple magazine, and I started making money off this blog. Neither qualify me for giving up my day job, or even calling myself a writer, but it's a start. Perhaps.
and finally, I got myself organized with Skype and that was by far one of the best decisions of the year. Even though we were flat broke after I had Lucy I splashed out on a webcam for a Mac and my parents did likewise. It has been the greatest thing. During my maternity leave I would have hour-long natters over a cup of tea with my Mum while Lucy dozed in the background. My Dad, who is a man of few words, now participates in conversations, and they both get to see Anna and Lucy flit in and out of camera shot as they go about their business of dressing princesses or picking small objects up off the floor to chew. Now if I could just work out how to get Mun and Dad to babysit via Skype my life would be perfect....
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't think I had any other than to deliver a baby with both of us intact. Next years will include drinking more water and trying to eat at least five fruits and veg a day. A girl can dream.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? That would be me. Welcome to the world Lucy Jane! Now almost an entire year old and 'practically a person'.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No.
5. What countries did you visit? England. I would love to be able to go back every year. Anna said recently 'I wish I was two Anna's and one of me could live in England with Granny and Granddad and look for snails'. Well said that girl - I'd even take the snails.
We also went to Maine to visit LK's family, and I think that counts because if you live in Southern California then New England is practically a foreign country. A country where the only spices are 'ketchup' and 'more ketchup'.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? Can I say financial security three years in a row? Hell yes I can. Wishlist includes two cars that work, contraception that doesn't send me loopy, more free time to write.
7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Jan 8th - Welcome to the world Miss Lucy!
May 6th - FIRE!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
See question 3 & 7.
9. What was your biggest failure? I suppose it's good that one doesn't automatically spring to mind...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I have had a migraine every day for the last 3 months. When I write it like that I'm amazed I'm stupid enough to think I can cure myself with 'drinking more water'. I think it's hormonal but in the meantime I'll just drink this glass of water...
11. What was the best thing you bought? A webcam to enable us to use Skype, plane tickets home, and I have to say, a ridiculously overpriced scarf I lusted after when pregnant. Flat broke, on maternity leave I shelled out for a beautiful handwoven scarf containing all my favourite colours. My justification was I'd just had a baby and a scarf was the only flattering piece of clothing I could wear. I've worn it at least 3 days a week ever since. It almost makes me want to stop buying crap at Old Navy and only buy one or two gorgeous pieces of clothing a year...
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? My friend Jen for volunteering to watch Lucy while I'm at work, enabling me to leave the house each morning safe in the knowledge that my daughter was in a household where people know how to cook fabulous food and a decorate with flair.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Mostly mine. Oh, and people who have faith in health insurance companies.
14. Where did most of your money go? Mortgage and childcare. *sigh*
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Lucy sleeping through the night. Seeing my name in print.
16. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? Hard to say. Not that I'm unhappy, but being pregnant with Lucy and facing a 3 month break from work last year meant there was a lot to be grinning about. b) thinner or fatter? Definitely thinner. Squashier, but thinner. c) richer or poorer? I think this is the eye of the hurricane.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? I wish I'd had more date time with LK. I also wish I'd looked after myself a bit better, more yoga, fewer 5th glasses of wine at dinner parties, more time by myself. - wow I wrote this in 2007 and it's still completely applicable. So now I'm just going to wish for more money with which to accomplish these impossible goals!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Nurturing old wounds. 2010 motto - let it go! And stop getting drunk and blurting out all the stuff you're too wimpy to blog about. Oh, and stop worrying.
20. How did you spend Christmas? Home in Santa Barbara, missing my family but having a wonderful time with LK, my two girls, friends and American family.
21. Did you fall in love in 2009? Yes. I have a crush on my smallest daughter and I want to bite her bum.
22. What was your favorite TV program? Mary Queen of Shops and Top Chef, tied for first. OK, and if I'm honest 'Teen Moms' on VH1.
23. What was the best book you read? Oooo, I'm halfway through reading Girl With A Dragon Tattoo right now which I'm loving, so probably that book unless it has a singularly disappointing ending. Honourable mention has to go to 'Friday Night Knitting Club' not because I particularly enjoyed it (a bit blah to be honest) but I was reading it when in labour with Lucy and wrote my contraction times on the top of every page, so it's a book I shall keep in my library forever.
24. Favourite clothes shop? White Stuff!
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? The Killers. I am so very out of date.
26. What did you want and get? Another child.
27. What did you want and not get? Money.
28. What was your favorite film of this year? I might have to come back to this one. I loved Meryl Streep in Julie and Julia.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 36 and I can't remember. I must be getting old.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Babysitting on tap.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009? I appear to be wearing a lot of scarves.
32. What kept you sane? Sleep.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I have to say, it was hard to muster the energy this year, but thanks to S&G for finding this tea towel for me:

34. What political issue stirred you the most? Universal healthcare. If I have to hear one more patient crying on the phone saying 'but I thought we were covered.....'.
35. Who did you miss? My family. Every day.
36. Who was the best new person you met? Loop the poop.
37. Most overused word or phrase of 2009: GENTLE!!
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009. Always shut the toilet lid if you have a baby that can walk otherwise say goodbye to your cell phone.
I have never really been into make up, a bit of mascara and some lip gloss and that is about it. So now I have reached 40 I am going to have to start wearing make up so that I don't constantly look like I have been up all night.
So my new years resolution - try to get more sleep.
Happy new year everyone.

Nothing else really Big has happened. I do believe that's a good thing though. We have a short work week again and that's Always appreciated! Here's hoping all is well with you All and that Your Christmas's or Boxing Days were Wonderful and Happy ones! I also found a new pancake recipe that is Out of this World good...If you have a late breakfast, this is the one to make! Happy night y'all!
PS- For those of you that are interested, I've posted a new Rant.
I have a million* partially written blog posts about Christmas, New Year, tinsel and tantrums but stop press - I have just found out it will be a blue moon tomorrow night and that takes precedence I think you will agree.
What is a blue moon other than a croony 1950s love song? A blue moon is not, as I had been led to believe, a second full moon in a month, it's:
Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days compared to the lunar year. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years (on average about every 2.7154 years[1]), there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a "blue moon."
Whatever, Wikipedia, it is a rare occurrence, rather like the second shag of a month or a 13th shag in a year. Hence the phrase 'once in a blue moon' (may or may not be used to describe intercourse).
To backtrack; I had been writing my 2009 'year in a nutshell' post (bet you can't wait for that one!) and one of the questions was - what did you do this year that you've never done before? I was stumped. Other than parent two children rather haphazardly I had done nothing new. I have friends - you know who you are - who could answer 'visited Croatia! Portugal! North Africa! Bolivia!' and still others who were made partners of law firms or bungee jumped off tall bridges.
I wiped two arses.
It made me a little sad that my life was full of 'maintaining'. You think you have all this time, a year in fact, but then when you break it down in to spare time it actually appears you have approximately 4 hours to yourself, in 3 minute increments. No wonder I haven't done anything of value.
Then someone said 'blue moon!' and I jumped - someone's giving me a cosmic second chance. I intend to do something tomorrow that I've never done before in my life. I just haven't thought of it yet. Hopefully it'll be winning the lottery, but it may just be eating an oyster or tickling a marmoset. I'm giving you permission to do something out of the ordinary too, just let me know.
Marmosets beware!
The shocking thing only that Mom had survived.
The presents were wrapped, at least mostly, by then
And Momma was striving for Christmas-y zen.
The laundry was done; the house was quite clean
It really was such a picturesque scene--
As long as the closets and fridge were unseen.
Along with the cousins came uncles and aunts,
Grammy and Papa and Nana in pants:)
We sat down and feasted, then feasted some more
On roast and potatoes, and fresh rolls galore!
The salad was scrumptious, risotto divine
Fresh fruit was included so kids did not whine.
Then after dinner, with costumes on kids
We hopped into cars, headed off to the skids.
Not skids exactly-- I needed a rhyme--
We went to see old folks with plenty of time
On their hands, all alone on this Christmas Eve night.
To share with them music and scripture and Light.
Alas, Momma neglected her camera to bring
To capture the family who'd gone there to sing.
But each of the singers will not soon forget
The faces of those who beheld our small set
And sang along with us when they knew the tune
We knew that we'd come not a moment too soon.
Then home to new jammies and cookies set out
With milk and a note, then to bed with no pout.
For each child wondered, "Is it really true
That Santa will wait for my sleep to ensue
Before he leaves presents and stockings for me?"
Their parents assured them that thus it would be.
The poor parents bustled and bustled until
They at last went to bed with their hearts all a-thrill
At the thought of their kidlets' next morning reaction.
They restlessly tossed, tho fatigued, with distraction
Till six-thirty came and the children all raced
To see what in their stockings that Old Elf had placed.
M&Ms, toothbrush, and gyroscope too
Hexbugs and sunglasses, legwarmers blue
Candy canes, Legos, a little girl doll
Bakugan, Pez, oh, I can't name it all!
They stuffed in their mouths as much candy as fit
While we waited for grandparents over to get:)
Then we went to the tree, all the gifts to unwrap
My readers have no need to get a recap
Of each little thing, but with love we exchanged
Gifts with each other; no one was short-changed.
Then the Dads made us breakfast-- again we were stuffed
And Mommy remarked that her eyes weren't puffed.
She'd managed to make it through Christmas this year
Without ever shedding a melt-downy tear--
That is, if you ONLY count Christmas Day morn
For meltdowns are common at Christmas, we warn.
Perhaps she did freak out a few times before
But nothing like she'd done in Christmas of yore.
And next year she swears to go simpler, my dear,
In order to spread out that Christmas-y cheer
To soak it all up with her kidlets and kin
And not let the stress and consumer-ness win;
But she's said that before-- she is prone to forget
And overdo Christmas for many years yet.
I need thee every hour, Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like thine can peace afford.
I need thee , oh, I need thee; Every hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now my Savior; I come to thee!
-I Need Thee Every Hour (pg.98 LDS Hymnal)

World Without End by Ken Follett
Bad Blood by Lorna Sage
Master George by Beryl Bainbridge
Morality Play by Barry Unworth
Border Crossing by Pat Barker
Resistance by Agnès Humbert
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake*
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake*
Titus Alone by Mervyn Peake*
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold
Einstein’s Monsters by Martin Amis*
Master of Morgana by Allan Campbell McLean*
Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
Mum and Mr Armitage by Beryl Bainbridge
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley*
Experience by Martin Amis*
The Rachel Papers by Martin Amis*
The Old Devils by Kingsley Amis*
Leviathan by Paul Auster
May Week Was In June by Clive James*
Naming of the Dead by Ian Rankin
The Damned United by David Peace
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson
No Other Life by Brian Moore
When Will There Be Good News by Kate Atkinson
A Most Wanted Man by John le Carré
Nothing To Be Frightened Of by Julian Barnes
Archangel by Robert Harris
Broken Skin by Stuart MacBride
The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton
Sandstealers by Ben Brown
The Night Watch by Sarah Waters
A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby
Me Cheeta by James Lever
Guernica by Dave Boling
All The Colours of Darkness by Peter Robinson
The Dope Priest by Nicholas Blincoe
Straight Into Darkness by Faye Kellerman
Adolf Hitler, My Part In His Downfall by Spike Milligan*
The Fractured by Karin Slaughter
Tunnel in the Sky by Robert Heinlein*
Noah: What's wong, owie?
Me: No, mommy is sad.
Noah: fire? hot?
Me: No, mommy is sad.
He wiped a tear from my face and said, "wash?" which I think means "wipe" because when he wants his nose wiped he says, "washy nose?".
What a sweet baby. I cried a little more. I love my babies.
3 Idiots (2009)

Aamir Khan ... Rancho
Kareena Kapoor ... Pia
Madhavan ... Farhan Qureshi
Sharman Joshi ... Hari
Boman Irani ... Viru Sahastrabudhhe
Rajeev Ravindranathan ... Ragging senior
Akhil Mishra ... Hindi Teacher
Mona Singh ... Mona
Pitobash Tripathy ... Junior 1
Aakash Dabhade ... Junior 2
Rahul Kumar
Rajkumar Hirani
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3 Idiots (2009)

Aamir Khan ... Rancho
Kareena Kapoor ... Pia
Madhavan ... Farhan Qureshi
Sharman Joshi ... Hari
Boman Irani ... Viru Sahastrabudhhe
Rajeev Ravindranathan ... Ragging senior
Akhil Mishra ... Hindi Teacher
Mona Singh ... Mona
Pitobash Tripathy ... Junior 1
Aakash Dabhade ... Junior 2
Rahul Kumar
Rajkumar Hirani
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3 Idiots (2009)

Aamir Khan ... Rancho
Kareena Kapoor ... Pia
Madhavan ... Farhan Qureshi
Sharman Joshi ... Hari
Boman Irani ... Viru Sahastrabudhhe
Rajeev Ravindranathan ... Ragging senior
Akhil Mishra ... Hindi Teacher
Mona Singh ... Mona
Pitobash Tripathy ... Junior 1
Aakash Dabhade ... Junior 2
Rahul Kumar
Rajkumar Hirani
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We're stuffed to the gills with leftovers and sweet treats. Had the ham, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, forgot to serve the apple salad but ate it later. Stayed indoors Friday and Saturday, though I did manage to make it to the gym on Saturday. Sunday, we went shopping! Maybe overdid it a bit. Two new winter coats for me and Mr. Wild, and our first ever laptop! Yup, a laptop. It has a webcam and it was so easy to access our wireless. Very cool! I hope to try it out with my sister and her kids someday, so we can see them live time. It will be interesting if we can get the stars to align.
See you on Random Tuesday.
Samajona was a German pop girls band formed in 2001 and was obviously a Teutonic attempt to create a combo like the Spice Girls. The Spice Girls' first hit single was Wannabe and Samajona's was Warum? (German for why).
Samajona (the name was an amalgamation of their first names Sabrina, Marleen, Joe and Nadja) had some success with the single Warum? and their first album but their bid for glory petered out in 2003.
How on earth do I know this song, I hear the blogosphere whisper? During the start of this millennium I had limited TV access but for some reason my crummy satelitte setup picked up German MTV and I often watched this on returning from work at The International Herald Tribune around midnight. Switch on the TV, a few Austrian beers and some rousing German pop songs and I was up for marching into Poland.
The Frog Queen is no fan of the German language but I think it is a thing of beauty and I enjoy its cadences. I don't speak German but I know a few phrases having read The Eagle and The Valiant as a little boy (eg: "Schnell Britisher Schweinehund!").

We watched his truck drive slowly up and down the road night after night. We were ever mindful of the missing dog when we’d take Gryphon for his daily forays, watching for any sign. Friday came and it had already been a week, but every day, morning and night, we see our neighbor’s red truck lumbering down the shoulders of the asphalt. “B” left ahead of me on Friday morning and as I pulled down the driveway a few minutes later I saw her out of her car and standing in the middle of the road. “There is the dog!” and she pointed down the road to the dog about 100 yards away. I whistled and it stopped for a moment, looked back and then continued on its course - a dog on a mission. I was already late for a doctor’s appointment, but “B” was already on the phone with the owners and she sent me on my way.
I saw the red truck again that night so I knew they hadn’t found her yet. Saturday morning Gryphon and I were on one of our much longer weekend walks and saw the red truck stop just up the road and the man got out and tossed something on the side of the road. Puzzled, I just stood there watching as he got back in and slowly started toward us. I realized he was towing what turned out to be the dog’s blanket along the shoulder of the road. He stopped and told me the whole grim story.
Their dog was 11, mostly deaf (though she still responded to whistles and such) and was somehow spooked and ran off. One thought they had was that she may have been ill and just went off to die. Another was that she was just confused and couldn’t find her way back. He did say that after “B’s” call they got another one from just a few properties away. He was cautiously hopeful.
We ran into to him several more times during the weekend, but I could tell that he was tired. By Sunday it was day 10. He’d been leaving bits of food along the road as well as pieces of dog bedding hoping that she would stay close to some familiar smells.
Tuesday is when I saw his truck by the side of the main road and then I noticed that most of the signs were down. I could only hope for a good end. Wednesday I saw him on the main road again and this time I stopped. By the smile on his face I knew it was a happy ending. He said she was in the cab of the truck. My neighbor across the road had called him Tuesday and apparently the dog was hanging out amongst some equipment and logs on her property. I went over to the cab to meet the Chow and could only feel glad for that family that their Christmas was going to have its joy back.
So often we see the signs go up and sometimes come down, but without involvement other than peripherally. Just that chance sighting of their dog put us into a connected place that we wouldn’t have had otherwise and we both feel, frankly, blessed to have been contributors to the outcome.
Today, we noticed that there were “Thank You!!!” signs in place of the “Lost Dog” signs. THAT made us smile!
This was going to be our Christmas card. I had it all planned out. It seemed like a guaranteed way to get two smiles out of two kids - they love the carousel and squeal with joy whenever they're on it. Best laid plans etc etc, I have to hold Lucy on the horse, so in order for me not to be in the shot I had to put Lucy on the far horse. As you can see, if we'd sent this photo it looks like we're saying 'so yeah, we had another kid'.
On that note, Merry Christmas to you and yours, and thanks for all your support and comments this year. You guys ROCK!
Heath, Erin, Noah, and Asher
Some things we do a little differently to when I was growing up. We leave the stockings downstairs, but Santa always delivers one present upstairs to each of the kids. Breakfast on Christmas morning is cinnamon rolls. (Although this year it may be banana blueberry muffins as they are already made!) Lunch is never turkey, as we have turkey at Thanksgiving and for some reason DH thinks it's too soon only a month later to have another turkey. Not really - we just choose to have something different. As DH had to work until the end of the day this Christmas Eve, he is not making beef Wellington as he did last year. There will still be beef though, and salmon for those of us who don't like beef very much. No Christmas pudding or Christmas cake. After my recent attempt at making mince pies, I'm thinking I should try making a real English Christmas cake next year and am hoping my mother still has the recipe she used when we were little. I do make a 'kid's trifle' - with jelly/jello instead of sherry, but mostly I'm the only one who eats it. (Trifle makes for a yummy breakfast on Boxing Day!) DH surprised me this evening by producing a box of English Christmas crackers - the kind that go bang and have silly paper hats in them.
I got the following via email from friends a couple of days ago:
1st Annual Christmas Day Open House
Friday December 25th, 12:00 noon -10PM
For Kids & Childish Adults ▪ Dress Exceedingly Casual ▪ Light Fare Served All-Day
Leave your present-opening mess at home & come mess up our house, instead!
Although we've always considered Christmas Day a family day, I think we will take them up on their invitation. There's room in the routine for a new tradition!
Some things we do a little differently to when I was growing up. We leave the stockings downstairs, but Santa always delivers one present upstairs to each of the kids. Breakfast on Christmas morning is cinnamon rolls. (Although this year it may be banana blueberry muffins as they are already made!) Lunch is never turkey, as we have turkey at Thanksgiving and for some reason DH thinks it's too soon only a month later to have another turkey. Not really - we just choose to have something different. As DH had to work until the end of the day this Christmas Eve, he is not making beef Wellington as he did last year. There will still be beef though, and salmon for those of us who don't like beef very much. No Christmas pudding or Christmas cake. After my recent attempt at making mince pies, I'm thinking I should try making a real English Christmas cake next year and am hoping my mother still has the recipe she used when we were little. I do make a 'kid's trifle' - with jelly/jello instead of sherry, but mostly I'm the only one who eats it. (Trifle makes for a yummy breakfast on Boxing Day!) DH surprised me this evening by producing a box of English Christmas crackers - the kind that go bang and have silly paper hats in them.
I got the following via email from friends a couple of days ago:
1st Annual Christmas Day Open House
Friday December 25th, 12:00 noon -10PM
For Kids & Childish Adults ▪ Dress Exceedingly Casual ▪ Light Fare Served All-Day
Leave your present-opening mess at home & come mess up our house, instead!
Although we've always considered Christmas Day a family day, I think we will take them up on their invitation. There's room in the routine for a new tradition!