Well…they weren’t usin’ it!

I’ve had a lot of cats over the years, but not until now have I ever had a hydro-kitty. Izzy is fascinated with water and not idly so. First thing in the morning while I’m filling the coffee maker from the RO (reverse osmosis filter) tap, she wants me to turn on the main tap so she can sit in the sink and drink from it. Washing dishes, there is Izzy wanting to paw at the suds or the running water. Run a bath and she can hear the tub filling even if she's outside. If you are the bather then you are going to have company, usually perched on your chest - it matters not if her tail gets soaked. Shaving – there Izzy is, waiting on an invitation for her to play in the water. Filling the water containers for the animals – there Izzy is pawing at the stream from the hose. Somewhere during her construction, her hydrophobic gene went missing.

Yesterday I stepped out onto the deck and there was Izzy in the bird bath lying in about ½ inch of water. Granted, it was in the upper 90s and pretty humid. She stayed there a good 30 minutes until the Mockingbird took umbrage and ran her off.


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