Dont forget not to tell him your NOT MORMON!

So this entry is really just to vent about a situation I have come across more then once while being in happy valley. I have never been a big fan of people that take advantage of others while showing you some compassion. Living here in Utah i have come to find myself in situations where questioning someones integrity has often been a habit based on what I have experienced. Working in property management has been a fun journey. You have the chance to meet lots of people from all walks of life. I had a resident that came in and wanted to discuss rent, she was about ready to go to the attorney and had one day to pay before the eviction process would accrue. She started crying and Gena asked me if I would look up her bishop for her. I looked him up and she told me she hasn't been in years. Gena told her not to worry that the church would help her. She was grateful for the help and encouraging words. A few days later she came back in and told me that she had an interview with her bishop the next day and asked if the church was still going to help her even though she told the church that she wanted her name removed from the church records. I told her that they wouldn't help her because she wasn't a member. She then told me she wasn't going to tell them because she needed the money. Then I asked her if she was going to be at church on Sunday. She said no, and that she wasn't ever going to go. I was disappointed, I checked to see if she had paid and she did in fact pay her rent with the church's help. I was ticked that people take advantage and lie to get what they want. I have seen this a lot living here in UT. It makes me hate the people here.


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