79 pairs of socks - I think I've married my father

Today I could not get any more socks/underwear in my husband's drawer. His socks took up most of the drawer so I called him in and told him he had to get rid of some. I literally was wrestling them out of his hand. 79 pairs of freaking socks. How many went back in the drawer 63 (I am not kidding), we argued about it, can you believe it he has to wear 9 pairs of socks a day to use them all. His case was, he has mountain biking socks, road biking socks, compression socks for flying, normal socks, snowboarding socks and the list goes on.

He has 4 motorcycle helmets and 1 head. I can't even tell you how many pairs of cycling shoes he has but lets just say it is way into double figures. When we left England he had over 100 T-shirts. Other categories include 14 watches (YES 14), at least 20 pairs of sunglasses and probably over 20 cycling kits (uniforms). There are other things that he has plenty of like, hats, jackets, shoes and so on.

So when I say I think I married my father, Nic is very much like my dad apart from 2 things my dad was way more romantic than my husband (of course not to me to my stepmother) and I didn't have any idea about my husband's hoarding. My dad hoarded garage stuff, nails, wood, screws anything that he thought may be useful. He was a bit of an inventor so anything he found that he could use in a future invention he would keep, needless to say the garage was chock full of gadgets, pieces of wood and other 'crap' so much so you couldn't even get your car in. Recently when we had our bathroom remodeled I freaked out about the 2 bags of toiletries that I had in the cupboard under the sink, for some reason they had been there for years. I was starting to wonder was I hoarding but now I realize it isn't me its my husband!


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