An unscheduled break

I know many of you have seen it or experienced the aftermath of the unloading of the Trojanthus they pretend, but in the hollow side, selected numbers of their soldiers hide* … havoc, confusion, death and destruction! So it was that my faithful laptop companion slowed, vomited, choked and staggered into a death spiral of endless starts with only momentary flashes of the “blue screen of death”. Neon flashes of mindless complacency also appeared in my head, believing my firewall to be impenetrable - it had done its job so very well for several years.

I wonder how often we have to learn and re-learn the value of backing up these mind dumps? I had not run a backup for better than 2 months and I feared for my files on the little 2.5” vault. I just set it aside and installed a new hard drive and started all over again. I had forgotten how fast this little gray box can be without the encumbrances of all the little trail markers and bread crumbs we leave along the way - a fresh start - a new day.

Mostly I was just pissed off and didn’t WANT to take the time to fix something caused by someone else with too much time on their hands. I just walked away from the conflagration and busied myself with other things; thus my absence here for weeks. Fortunately it is all healed including the damaged drive (now rendered a slave) - the enemy vanquished. The imperiled files have been safely tucked away on disc and all is calm here at Casa Vulpini.

*Virgil's Aeneid


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